Contact Details

Phone:     00975 2 332592
Mobile:    00975 77309394
Current Job:  Chief, Quality Assurance and Enhancement Division
Department of Academic Affairs, Office of the Vice Chancellor
Royal University of Bhutan
Education:    Bachelor Degree (Teaching)

Employment History and Position Held

  1. Chief, Quality Assurance and Enhancement, Dept. of Academic Affairs, OVC (July 2020 – )
  2.  Academic Quality Officer, Dept. of Academic Affairs, OVC (May 2017 – June 2020)
  3. Teacher III and II, Ministry of Education, RGoB (January 2010 – April 2017)

Current Job Responsibilities
Principal Officer responsible for assuring quality of taught academic programmes that leads to confer of award from RUB, across all colleges. Towards this the Chief will:

  1. Establish and maintain a system for the management of programmes
  2. Establish and operate a system for the quality assurance of programmes, taking account
    of the final responsibility of the Academic Board for the awards of the University but also
    the need to delegate responsibility closer to the action.
  3. Address the processes of initiating and validating a programme, the annual monitoring of
    programmes, the periodic review of programmes in operation, external examination of
  4. Monitor progress in relation to quality enhancement and quality assurance processes on
    college campuses.


Course Attended

Institution/Agency, City and Country


From (dd/mm/yyyy) To (dd/mm/yyyy)

Advance HE Fellowships – Fellowship Scheme; The UK Professional Standards Framework (PSF) Criteria

Facilitated by the University of Highlands and Islands, Scotland

Commenced from 21 September 2021 – ongoing

Project Management & Administration

Bangkok School of Management, Thailand



International Leadership Training Workshop

Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India



CDIO Student Centered Education Workshop

Temasek Foundation International Limited (TFI), Singapore Polytechnic


